Teen FAQ

Act with kindness and respect for other people and the library. We want everyone to be able to enjoy their time here.
If your words and/or actions are not kind and respectful of other patrons and the library, you’ll be asked to reconsider your behavior. If your behavior continues to prevent other people from enjoying the library you may be asked to leave.
Covered drinks are allowed, but please keep all food out of our carpeted Teen Room. You can eat in the tiled hallway directly outside. Please tell a librarian immediately if there are any spills.
The Teen Room is exclusively for middle and high school students from 2:30 p.m. until closing on weekdays, and all day on weekends and school holidays. All patrons are welcome to browse and check out items from the Teen Room collection. The Teen Room computers and gaming systems are exclusively for middle and high school students at all times.
Because of our limited space, tutoring is not allowed in the Teen Room. Tutors and students can utilize the study tables by the Fiction section on the ground floor.
The collection in the Teen Room is geared towards grades 7–12, but it is open to everyone. We encourage parents and guardians of younger students to be invested in selection of materials from the Teen Room.
Go to the video game collection across from the main Circulation Desk and choose a Nintendo Switch or PS4 game (please choose games rated T or below to play in the Teen Room). Take your selection to the Circulation Desk and ask for the appropriate controllers, then check these items out. Take the game and controllers to the Teen Room and have fun. If multiple groups want to play, turns and time limits may be enforced by the librarian. When you’re done, return the game and controllers to the main Circulation Desk.