Teacher Card Policy and Deposit Development Policy
Welcome, Educators!
The Shrewsbury Public Library offers Shrewsbury educators resources for classroom use through a special loan program designed to meet the needs of teachers and students. The Library can provide books, videos, DVDs, kits, and other library materials to support curriculum topics. Educators may request materials via phone, email, or by filling out and submitting the forms located on our Resources for Educators page.
The following guidelines apply to this service:
- Teacher Cards are available to educators working in private or public schools in the town of Shrewsbury. (Residency is not required.)
- If a teacher holds a personal library card in the C/W MARS network, the borrowing record must be in good standing before the teacher card will be issued.
- Teacher Card privileges are offered for one year from date of registration, and must be renewed annually.
- An applicant for a Teacher card must review the specifics of this policy with a library staff member, must agree to the conditions of this service and complete the Agreement and Registration Form.
- Teachers will be allowed to check out a collection of books or other library items for classroom use only, for an extended period of six (6) weeks.
- The applicant assumes financial responsibility for all lost or damaged items. It is highly recommended that all items remain in the classroom.
- No overdue fines will be accrued on Teacher Cards.
- Items checked out for personal use may not be checked out on Teacher Cards. Please use personal library cards for borrowing items for personal use.
- When multiple material resources are needed for classroom use, we ask that the teacher speak with a librarian in advance of selecting materials. While the library will make every effort to provide the resources needed for the classroom, loans of certain high demand or limited copy resources may be prohibited or limited in order to ensure that the library can meet the needs of the general public.
- Arrangements to have the Outreach Librarian deliver materials to the school is possible, but requires at least one week advance notice.