Study and Group Meeting Rooms
Meeting Rooms
The library has one large meeting room (or when divided, two smaller meeting rooms) available for use by public groups and associations.
Use of our meeting spaces must be booked ahead of time and may be subject to a fee in accordance with the library's Meeting Room Use Policy. Please review A) the policy details and B) our calendar for availability before submitting the final page of the policy as your request to reserve a meeting room.
Group Study Rooms
The library’s four group study rooms may be booked by individuals or small groups for up to two hours at a time. Patrons may only have one active room booking in the system at a time; please wait until your current reservation has passed to book another reservation.
Rooms may be booked below (hit tab to reach the submit button) or at this link with a library card number. Before booking a room, please make sure you are familiar with the library’s Group Study Room Use Policy.