The large, multi-shelf display case near the main service desk on the first floor is used to exhibit esthetically appealing displays that are of interest to the general public. The collections could focus on any theme that is in keeping with the library’s mission and philosophy. The display consists of three sets of four shelves that are three feet long, five feet high, and six inches deep.
If you would like to display materials in the display case, please review the library's Displays and Exhibits policy, then contact the display's coordinator Shi Wen Chen at schen@cwmars.org. There can be a waiting period of over a year, which is a testimony to the popularity of the library displays!

The Library provides a bulletin board and literature rack space for public postings on the main floor and in the Children’s Room. Materials for bulletin boards or literature racks will only be accepted from non-profit or not-for-profit groups or associations. Notices for commercial or business purposes will not be displayed.
The Library Director or Head of Circulation Services must approve all requests for postings and/or distribution of notices and flyers. For more details, please review the library's Displays and Exhibits policy.

The Community Commons Hanging Exhibit Space of the Shrewsbury Public Library is available as a public service to give people of all ages access to works of art. This space provides a chance for area artists to display their own artwork, with an understanding that the space is used regularly by people of all ages, including young children.
Priority will be given to applicants residing in Shrewsbury, then to those from the Central Massachusetts area, and a lower priority to those from outside of Central Massachusetts.
Applicants should review the library's Displays and Exhibits policy and submit the artist application, exhibit agreement, and waiver of liability on the final pages of the document.